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grace upon grace

This blog isn’t just a ministry update but rather a testimony of the goodness of God in my own life lately. To hear more about our time here in Guatemala so far, check out my last blog post, … Read more about grace upon grace

kitchen cabinets

This past week, all W and X squad girls went to Fort Myers, Florida to do ministry! We served families around the area whose homes suffered damage from Hurricane Ian last year. My team and I were … Read more about kitchen cabinets

month one!

“Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in one body, rule your hearts. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell … Read more about month one!

week one!

Holy cow! I can’t believe it’s been one week already. This week has been full of team building activities, worship, and rejoicing in the goodness of God. Living in a tent is certainly a new … Read more about week one!


I’ve been here at AIM less than 24 hours and the Lord has already taught me a great deal about dependence on Him. Today during our morning session, one of the speakers talked about the importance of … Read more about dependence

Jesus at work

Within the last month, I’ve gone to two church camps and helped at VBS. Both sadness and gratitude have filled my heart. Within just the last couple of weeks I’ve gotten to witness people come into … Read more about Jesus at work