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Wow! The last three weeks have FLOWN by! There has already been so much growth, learning, and rejoicing since being back in Gainesville for training camp so this blog will most likely just skim the surface of all that’s been going on. If you’d like to hear more in depth stories or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

For the first week of training camp, U Squad (our alumni squad) took a class called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (this course is open to anyone, check their website to see if there’s one going on in your area soon!) Perspectives is a class designed to mobilize God’s people for God’s global purpose. It consists of 15 classes, split into four sections: Biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic. Normally Perspectives is taken over 15 weeks, but we did the intensive version- essentially three, 3 hour classes each day! While this was definitely intense and our brains felt like they were melting out of our ears by the end, the lessons learned and reminders heard were so good! My largest overall takeaway was that the Great Commission isn’t just for ‘missionaries’ but for every follower of Jesus to take part in; as well as the fact that Matthew 28 isn’t the only time in Scripture where (what we think of as) modern-day missions is referenced. One of our teachers, Nicole Parks, said “God is gathering worshippers of every nation, tribe, and tongue for Himself”. Did you know that the Great Commission actually stems from God’s command in the Old Testament to be fruitful and multiply? If your answer is “no”, then you’re in the same boat I was in at the start of Perspectives! All of Scripture points to the metanarrative of the Great Commission as a reflection of the Father’s desire to be in right relationship with every single one of His children. The Great Commission isn’t a mere recommendation, but a mandate for every believer to participate in!

After Perspectives week ended, new racers showed up and training camp started. U Squad is launching with W Squad (a semester trip going to Eswatini and South Africa), X Squad (a semester trip going to Honduras and Nicaragua), and S Squad (an 11-month trip going to Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda)! It has been an indescribable privilege to re-experience training camp while having the eyes of an alumni. To look back at how far the Lord has brought me since my first training camp in fall of ‘23 compared to now, I’m moved to tears. God has been so faithful to replace what was once my heart of stone with a heart of flesh and to stir a passion in me that every tongue would confess Jesus as Lord! I have experienced a level of freedom, surrender, and joy that I never imagined possible, thanks to the Creator and Lover of my soul. I’ve seen my friends step out in obedience, I’ve witnessed healings both physically and spiritually, and I’ve gotten to behold a fraction of the celebration that we’ll one day experience in the throne room. I’ve watched new racers be revived in their faith, surrender everything before the Lord and put their “yes” on the table- for now and always. This place truly is a dwelling place of the Lord and His people are hungry for encounter!

Okay, now that I’m done with my sentimental tangent-
Tomorrow we will be leaving for our first stop, Kyrgyzstan! Our squad will be splitting in half to go to two (actually three locations). Myself and seven of my squadmates will be staying in one city for the duration of our time in country, while the remaining folks will be traveling to two other locations. This setup is fairly different from gap year, but we are all so excited for the journey the Lord has us on and we are anticipating a move of the Holy Spirit. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus!

Please be praying for safe travels as we have two long layovers (and that no luggage is lost or stolen) as well as tender hearts, ready and well-equipped to share the good news!

Until next time!

2 responses to “training camp pt. 2”

  1. 🙏
    But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased….to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, -Galatians 1:15-16

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