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Long time, no blog!

Since getting home from the World Race back in May, the Lord has been so patient and kind in leading me one day at a time. For the last three months, I have been part of a Ministry Residency program at my home church, serving with our Family Life Ministry. The program is designed to help individuals better discern their call to ministry and equip them for that work (Ephesians 4:11-13). Over the course of these three months, the Lord has made it evident that I remain passionate about missions and seeing the global church fulfill its role in the Great Commission.

Shortly after this realization was stamped on my heart, I found out that the application deadline for the World Race alumni trip to the 10/40 Window had been extended. After prayerful consideration, I’m excited to announce that I will be going to Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye, and Morocco from January to May!!

The 10/40 Window is a region that accounts for the majority of people of Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist beliefs. It is home to some of the largest unreached people groups in the world, people that have never heard the name of Jesus or have access to His written Word.

I am thrilled to have this opportunity to share with others the love and good news of Christ that has saved and changed my life.

If you would like to partner with me in prayer, please pray for boldness in sharing the good news, for the Lord’s sovereign guidance and direction, that our hearts would desire to know Him and make Him known, as well as health and safety as we travel.

T minus 35 days until training camp!!!