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In my last blog, I talked about how our time in Eswatini was a season of the race I defined by the word “contentment”. Well, as we’ve transitioned into our ministry here in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve moved from a season of ‘contentment’ to a season of ‘gratitude’. Now you’re probably asking, “is there really that big of a difference between contentment and gratitude? Afterall, if you’re content, you’re probably grateful right?” While that is sorta kinda true, gratitude goes so much deeper!

While we were in Guatemala, the Lord brought freedom to a sin-struggle of mine, but when He did, I didn’t testify about it to anyone. I lived in shame having struggled with that sin and was too embarrassed to tell anyone about how Christ had moved in that area of my life. However during Easter weekend in Eswatini, (our squad did a 48-hour prayer burn which I explained more in depth in my last blog post as well) the Lord kept putting it on my heart that I needed to confess my sin and the ways He had freed me from it to someone, in order to be walking in the light. I wrestled with my pride all weekend, deciding whether or not I was going to open up and share. And then Sunday afternoon rolled around and it hit me during worship. “This is exactly what this weekend is for…this is why we’re celebrating!” The truth of the gospel hit me like a truck in that moment- Easter is the story of Jesus literally dying for our sins to be atoned for and for us to be in right standing with the Father! But it doesn’t just stop there, He also rose again 3-days later in order to give us the hope of eternal life with Him as well. After my seemingly simple, yet extraordinarily influential revelation, I individually grabbed about 5 of my squadmates and leaders and confessed to them what I had been holding on to and what the Lord had done in that area of my life- and the FREEDOM I felt was OVERWHELMING. I danced with joy and sang my heart out to the Father for the rest of worship because I was overflowing with gratitude for the price He paid for me.

Everyone is in need of saving, but the incredible thing is, once we’re saved, Christ continually reaches out to help us along the path. He is the Good Shepherd that guides us when we go astray, the Merciful Judge that forgives us when we still mess up and sin, and He is the Perfect Father that sent His Son for us.

Since that weekend, I’ve been living out of a fresh perspective of thankfulness for the Lord doing what He didn’t have to do- but what He wanted to do for every single one of us. It is the gratitude that allows love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness, to flood our hearts and simultaneously bring us to our knees before the throne!

“Let the whole earth shout triumphantly to the Lord! Serve the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Acknowledge that the Lord is God. He made us, and we are his – his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and bless his name. For the Lord is good, and his faithful love endures forever; his faithfulness, through all generations.” -Psalm 100

Ministry Update!
Here in JBay, Team Harvest is working with a ministry called Beats & Books! Beats & Books is an after school program that creates a space for students to do homework and learn more about Jesus. In the mornings, we prepare for the students to arrive. We make sandwiches for them, help with administration tasks, work on media productions, and prepare worship and small group sessions. Once the students arrive in the afternoon, they spend about an hour and a half working on their homework and then we transition to that day’s activity. Mondays and Wednesdays are small groups (each Harvest-er leads a group and we’ve been reading & discussing Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster), Tuesdays and Thursdays are worship, and Fridays are fun activities/big group time. If you could please be praying for our students, for continued opportunities and open doors for discipleship, and for them to be willing to hear the good news of the gospel! As always, God bless!