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Haven’t posted a blog (largely due to the fact that I haven’t had service or Wi-Fi) in a while so this one is just going to be an overall Eswatini recap! Hopefully there will be some follow up blogs to come soon!

Ministry Recap:
W Squad made it to Eswatini after a one week debrief in Nelspruit, South Africa in late February. Our whole squad got to live together at the Adventures in Missions base in Nsoko, which was such a fun blessing because the majority of our teams were split up for all of Asia.

In Swazi, we did carepoint ministry. Carepoints are places throughout Swazi communities that provide kids with a meal, majority of which is their only meal that day. There’s a playground for the kids and an awning to sit in the shade. Most of the kids don’t show up until 2-4pm because they walk more than an hour from school. In the mornings, we would do worship as a team and pray over the kids and the day ahead. In the afternoons, we played with the kids, read them Bible stories, and just showed them the love that they may not be receiving at home or elsewhere.

We also got to spend Easter in Eswatini and our squad did a 48-hour long prayer burn, starting Friday evening and ending Sunday evening. Hour-by-hour a different racer or leader was leading a session. Some included worship, guided prayer, encouragement, etc. But every hour of the weekend someone was awake and in the main room participating. It was a beautiful weekend of fellowship and remembering what Jesus did on the cross and 3 days later for us!

Working in kids ministry again was a great reminder to slow down and what it truly means to have childlike faith. Being with the whole-squad allowed for fun fellowship and 1-on-1s that allowed us to grow closer as the body of Christ!

Now for a quick recap on what the Lord taught me in Eswatini 😀
Every single season on the Race can be summed up in just a couple of words: “growth”, “be still”, “patience and slowing down”, “loving those that are difficult to love”, are all examples of common ones used to describe seasons on the race. More than 3 weeks into Eswatini and I found myself struggling to figure out my word for that season.

I didn’t really feel like I was learning anything specific, nothing humongous had happened at ministry, I loved hanging out with my squad. Life was just simply…good.

And that’s when it hit me. “Contentment” was the word I was looking for.

Eswatini was simply a season that the Lord allowed me to delight in Him and the life I’m living. I learned to truly rest in Him and be content right where my feet were. As my squad mentor put it, “It’s okay to not always be on a mountain top or in a valley, actually it’s not healthy if you’re always on one of the extremes. Sometimes God just has you slow down and sit on the plains for a while to enjoy Him.”

Our squad is split up for the last little bit of our time overseas, teams Abide and Nissi being in Lesotho, teams Dogs and Othy being in Johannesburg, and teams Harvest and Naya in Jeffrey’s Bay. Another blog update coming soon on our ministry here! Thank you for your continued prayers and support. As always, God bless!