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Greetings from Cambodia!

We’ve been here for about two weeks and it’s already been so incredible. My team and I are currently serving at Chobvary High School, teaching English and doing Gospel presentations!

The main religion in Cambodia is Buddhism, with 85-92% of all Khmer people following the religion. This means that the majority, if not all, of the students and teachers we interact with on a daily basis are Buddhist. During English classes, we’ve had the amazing opportunity to sing worship songs and present the simple Gospel (I’m planning on writing a second follow up blog more on this topic so stay tuned!). We’ve also gotten to teach some of the classes some fun dances to songs like the “Church Clap” and “The Cha Cha Song”.

Not a day goes by without hearing students yell “hello!” at us as we walk around the campus or stop us to ask our names. They do their best to teach us Khmer phrases but those conversations usually end with us telling them how much better at English they are than we are at speaking Khmer and we all start laughing.

Rice and meat has become a staple meal in our diet, usually having it two, if not three times a day- but we’re not complaining. However we have been introduced to some new foods such as crab sandwiches and grilled snake (I personally could not bring myself to participate in trying the snake).

Our time in Cambodia has been filled with sweet conversations and fun experiences (ask me about the Khmer wedding we went to and I’ll tell you all about it)! Team Harvest is thriving overall and loving our ministry but here are a couple ways you can be praying for us!:

– that God would prepare the hearts of the students and teachers we share the Gospel with- that they would be receptive to the Truth when they hear it and that the Holy Spirit will bring revival to Chobvary High School!
– more of the Holy Spirit!- we can never be too filled up with the Lord and His grace!
– “half point burnout”- we’ve hit the halfway point of the race so just that we would lean on God’s strength and not our own; that the Lord would continue to fan each of our flames!
– peace as we all start considering our post-race lives- with school, work, camps, and so many other options on the table, we are all seeking God’s guidance for His plans for us after the race

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post and for praying for us! See you next time and always, God bless!

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