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Within the last month, I’ve gone to two church camps and helped at VBS. Both sadness and gratitude have filled my heart. Within just the last couple of weeks I’ve gotten to witness people come into relationships with Jesus, be obedient in baptism, and accept calls to ministry and missions. I’ve often found myself in conversations with God that go something like, “These people are my family and they’re flourishing! Thank you, Lord, for how I get to see You at work in the lives of those around me!” But at the same time I also think, “I’ve only been here for 2 years, and now I’m leaving for 9 months? Make it make sense God!” The truth is, I love Oklahoma, it’s home to me. God is so evidently moving in and through the people around me, and because of that I find it more and more difficult to want to leave.
However, I’ve been reminded that God is the same God in Oklahoma that He is in Guatemala, Cambodia, Eswatini, and South Africa. People are accepting salvation, being baptized, and entering calls to ministry & missions all over the world.
God cannot be confined to a singular location or people. He is omnipresent and continually moving His Kingdom forward.
At one of the camps I recently went to, we sang a song called “Son of Suffering”. Some of the lyrics are,
“There’s a God who weeps.
There’s a God who bleeds.
Oh, praise the One
Who would reach for me, even me
Sing hallelujah to the Son of suffering
Your cross, my freedom.
Your stripes, my healing.
All praise King Jesus.”

The God who weeps is the same God in New York and in Berlin.
The God who bleeds is the same God in Los Angeles and in Seoul.
The God who reaches for us is the same God in Chicago and in Moscow.
The God who suffered the cross for our freedom is the same God in Tulsa and in Nsoko.
The God who’s stripes are our healing is the same God in Boston and in Siem Reap.

While I have been blessed, far beyond what I deserve, to spend the last 2 years here in Oklahoma, I can’t wait to experience how the Lord is moving all over the world. All will praise King Jesus.

5 responses to “Jesus at work”

  1. AMEN!!! I absolutely love this Hannah and your heart for God and His work is so evident. You are an inspiration to all those around you and I thank you so much for the Godly wisdom you have shared with me over the last three weeks. This blog post reminds me of last years VBS theme verse Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever”. The same God that brought you to Oklahoma is the same God that is bringing you around the world and I can’t wait to see what He does with you!!! Praying for you always 🙂

  2. God is amazing and he has been working through you these past two years in Oklahoma. You have a real heart for the Lord’s work. I am excited for your new adventure. I will miss you very much but you have to do what God calls us to do.

  3. Hannah- God is going to do amazing things through your obedience. Obedience is rarely easy or comfortable- but as you begin to walk it out, you will grow and mature- and you will be so blessed by God’s work in, through, and around you!

  4. Step by step: that’s how our obedience and God’s plan are unfolded to us. As we obey, He reveals the next thing. I have no doubt you will look back in a year and see God’s fingerprints on this time!

  5. Dearest Hannah,
    My heart is rejoicing in His call to you to leave your family behind for His desired and planned mission for you. You will never regret saying Yes Lord, not my will but Yours. Stay in touch.
    Oh how He loves you, Hannah!!